Ralph and Vanellope unpack lots of surprises for those who love going on the Internet.
Ralph Breaks the Internet, the sequel to the 2012 film Wreck-it-Ralph, takes viewers into a whole new world that exists within the 21st century: the World Wide Web. Two friends, Ralph (John C. Reilly) and Vanellope (Sarah Silverman) risk themselves by traveling into the Wi-Fi router placed in the arcade to buy a replacement steering wheel for the arcade game ‘Sugar Rush’. Their adventure leads them to the World Wide Web, a place where people from across the globe meet together and have fun.
This article will discuss why this movie is associated with today’s pop culture and why it became popular among kids.
Popular Culture

For one, the title of the film, Ralph Breaks the Internet, references the Wi-Fi and Internet logos that comply with the World Wide Web in today’s generation. The movie poster includes all of the characters, including Ralph and Vanellope, featured and organized onto the Wi-Fi symbol. The Wi-Fi symbol represents the Web 2.0, which is today’s version of the World Wide Web.
One feature that stands out to viewers is having many cameos and references to today’s pop culture. Many franchises like Disney films, Marvel Comics, and Star Wars make appearances; if viewers look closely in several scenes, there are many characters from their respective franchises who make brief cameos. The giant monster resembling Ralph, formed by the Ralph clones, resembles King Kong and Godzilla. Viewers who notice these franchises will have ideas on what’s happening in today’s pop culture and connect to these ideas.
To bring the characters up to date on what’s happening in today’s generation, Ralph Breaks the Internet revolves around search engines and online gaming. The “netizens” are civilian characters resembling actual users using the World Wide Web for online activities; this is shown in one scene where a user is participating in the “Which Disney Princess Are You?” questionnaire online. Other platforms such as YouTube, Snapchat, and Google are seen as signs on the buildings, representing Web 2.0. There are also algorithms.
Disney Princess Lineup

The appearance of the princesses from the Disney Princess lineup, which includes Anna and Elsa from Disney’s Frozen, make a great impact on the storyline of Ralph Breaks the Internet. All of the princesses appear in the movie, which makes the film appealing to young girls. Their appearances and roles in this film also bring diversity. Vanellope meets the princesses, who help her discover what she really wants in life. When Vanellope explains that she’s never sung about her dreams, they encourage her to try. She sings about literally wanting a steering wheel, which is different from the princesses’ metaphorical songs.
When Vanellope enters the Disney Princesses’ room the first time, she explains to the princesses that she is a princess too. This is a reference to the previous film in the Wreck-It-Ralph franchise, where Sour Bill remembers her as Princess Vanellope Von Schweetz of the Sugar Rush kingdom. Ralph also sees Vanellope as a princess.
If viewers look closely, they will notice that all of the princess characters are in their 3D animated forms. Also, in the climax of Ralph Breaks the Internet, the princesses use their skills and abilities and work together to save Ralph. They are seen in their comfortable attire, inspired by Vanellope’s clothing, which is based on their personalities.
The princesses are a nod to the Disney Princess franchise existing in our universe.
Overall, Ralph Breaks the Internet is a great animated film for both boys and girls because it keeps them up to date on today’s pop culture. Kids will find this film fascinating because there are so many references that tie with today’s pop culture. Have a look at our review of the first film here.
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