Tag: Black Representation

  • ‘Judas and the Black Messiah’ Review: Exploring The Black Panther Party

    ‘Judas and the Black Messiah’ Review: Exploring The Black Panther Party

    Warner Bros.’s latest feature, Judas and the Black Messiah, takes viewers to 1968 Chicago. That’s right, the Black Power era. More specifically, the Black Panther Party. The drama recounts the life of Black activist Fred Hampton. He rose to prominence as the mesmerizing chairman of the Illinois Black Panther Party. On December 4, 1969, Fred, 21, and…

  • ‘Outside the Wire’ Review: Netflix’s Latest Mediocre Sci-Fi Flick

    ‘Outside the Wire’ Review: Netflix’s Latest Mediocre Sci-Fi Flick

    Netflix’s first original film of the year is the sci-fi thriller Outside the Wire. Before any comments, let’s set the scene: The year is 2036, and a destructive civil war has broken out in the middle of Eastern Europe. Not too much is revealed, only that US forces were deployed to Russia to act as peacekeepers.…

  • 10 Black Supporting Characters Who Need a Spinoff

    10 Black Supporting Characters Who Need a Spinoff

    Storm (X-Men Franchise) Having to juggle multiple characters, the minds behind the X-Men film series seemed to consistently fail to give the Storm the attention she deserved as a character. Between casting two light-skinned actresses to play the famously dark-skinned heroine, downplaying her weather manipulation abilities, and skipping over her regal backstory, neither incarnation of…

  • Celebrating Black History Month In Film!

    Celebrating Black History Month In Film!

    At Incluvie, we love celebrating diversity in film. With 2020’s Black History Month coming to a close, we thought it’d be a great time to cap off the month with a celebration of black cinema! We put together this montage to remember and honor some of the most moving, inspirational, and memorable black characters, creators,…

  • “Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey” is a Netflix Christmas Treat

    “Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey” is a Netflix Christmas Treat

    Black Christmas movies are few and far in between to find — so it is wonderful to see more representation on the screen just in time