Tag: Netflix
Hollywood: Netflix Tells the History of Movies That Never Was
To say Hollywood has had a troubled past is the understatement of the century. In Ryan Murphy’s (American Horror Story) new Netflix series, Hollywood, that past is confronted and even rewritten.
After Life Season Two: Ricky Gervais Continues His Best Work Yet
When you first hear that there is a series on Netflix where the lead character’s wife dies from cancer and he becomes dangerously suicidal, you wouldn’t immediately assume that it’s a comedy.
Have a Good Trip: Netflix Takes You on an Adventure Into the Reality of Psychedelics
Have a Good Trip offers a rather balanced look at psychedelic use. While its main narrative is the stories of recreational use by celebrities, it does delve into the medical history of psychedelics and its use in psychotherapy.
What More is There to Say about ‘Squid Game’ ?
Twisting what seems to be obvious setups and frameworks is what sets the story structure of Squid Game apart. I appreciate that this narrative is complex but not complicated; an easy enough plot to wrap your head around while still treating the audience like an equal participant in this social commentary
The Women and the Murderer: Made by Women for Women
In The Women and the Murderer, directors Mona Achache and Patricia Tourancheau center women—the very demographic true crime is designed to appeal to.
How My Octopus Teacher Depicts Healthy Masculinity
In My Octopus Teacher, documentary filmmaker Craig Foster models healthy masculinity by showing us a trusting, gentle, and emotionally fulfilling bond with an octopus.
‘Sex Education’ Season 3: Diverse Characters and Relationships
‘Sex Education’ is one of the most diverse shows I’ve ever seen! From sexuality to gender identity to race, this show features so many minorities and so many different kinds of relationships!
Afterlife of the Party: An Exploration of Female Friendship
Netflix’s Afterlife of the Party might fall into the rom-com genre, but it’s much more about grief, strong female friendships, and platonic love than it is about romance.
Q-Force is Quite the Mixed Bag!
There is a lot of controversy around Q-force. It’s certainly not hard to see why—the series is quite hyperbolic. I will say, that was the first aspect I noticed on my initial watch. Right from the get-go Q-Force barrages you with gay joke after gay joke. This is hit or miss throughout the series.
Not So ‘Brand New’ Cherry Flavor
The fun tricks used in the production design and lighting read extremely well on-screen but hardly fulfill their purpose of trying to inject glamour into a lack-luster story with nothing to say.