Tag: Queer Representation
Time To Get Critical About Representation in “Shameless”
A decade since it aired, Shameless (U.S.) has always stuck to its guns (and baseball bats) about character diversity.
Why The Queer Community Loves The Rocky Horror Picture Show
The Rocky Horror Picture Show not only supported Tim curry queer individuals who were closeted or harassed. It made people question their identity, orientation, and lifestyles that they never had before.
Wolfwalkers Deserves More Acclaim Than Luca For Pride Awareness Through A Metaphor
It is the attention to detail that makes Wolfwalkers resonate more than Luca for Queer representation
“Bury Your Gays” Trope in TV and How “Wynonna Earp” Defies it
I think that the happiness and survival of “Wynonna Earp”’s LGBTQ+ characters is incredibly refreshing in contrast to the prevalence of queer suffering and death in other television.
Straight Actors Playing Queer Characters: This is Exhausting
It’s 2021 and what few LGBTQ+ films that are produced by major film studios continue to star cisgender heterosexual actors, rather than actual LGBTQ+ people.